It’s all about jesus
Jesus is the reason that Life Church exists. He is the hope we have. He is the perfect representation of God in human form and the perfect king over the whole universe.
Because of Jesus, we can know God. Knowing God is what human beings were made for. But sadly, because we so often choose to go our own way instead of his, the very thing we were made for became impossible; impossible, that is, without Jesus. Jesus bridges the gap between us and God. On the first Easter weekend, 2,000 years ago, Jesus died on a cross and rose again to destroy the barrier between God and humanity. By trusting and following Jesus, we can come to know God as our Father. There is nothing more exhilarating, satisfying and joy-giving than knowing and following Jesus as our master and our rescuer. He is the very lifeblood of Life Church people.
our culture
Every family has a particular feel to it. You could call this feel our culture. Here at Life Church, Jesus is central to our culture. Our hope is that Jesus makes us more and more like him, and we’d love to be marked out by these five key ways to be:
JOYFUL: We truly believe that joy in God is God’s will for all believers, and that joy remains whether we are feeling on top of the world or going through the most difficult circumstances in life.
COURAGEOUS: We want to learn how to step out in obedience to God trusting in his power more than in our own.
REAL: What you see is what you get. We want to learn to be an authentic church, not hiding behind false appearances.
GENEROUS: God has been so generous to us. We want to learn to imitate him by being generous with our money, time, gifts and talents, and resources.
WELCOMING: Jesus has welcomed us into his family when we were far off from him. We want to be a church that welcomes people, not just by saying “hello” but by being family.
Our leaders
At Life Church we are looking to build church the way they did it in the Bible. In the New Testament there were two types of leadership within the church.
First, there were elders (also called overseers or pastors) - men who were responsible for leading, teaching, caring for and protecting the church. Second, there were deacons - men and women who worked alongside the elders to help them, by serving and coordinating various aspects of church life.
You can read about this in the Bible: Acts 20:28, 1 Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:5-8, Hebrews 13:17 and 1 Peter 5:2-4.
Life Church has four elders. Paul and Luke work full-time for Life Church and Phil works part-time for Life Church.