changing lives

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

We believe that giving really comes from a place of worship, from knowing that God freely gives to us his love and salvation. We're never out to badger people for money – that's not how the kingdom of God works so that’s not how we work!

In the Bible God has shown himself to be a giving God. He is both faithful to his people and overwhelmingly generous; not stopping short of giving his own son (John 3:16). Because he has been so lavish with us, we live to reflect our heavenly father in the way that we give.

We like to give our finances into God's plans because we believe that everything we have comes from him and we want to see the impact of the church in people’s lives and the world around us.

Life Church is a charity and we rely on donations to continue to grow and impact the community around us. You can see some of the ways we use the money we are given below…

If you would like to give to Life Church, you can find details of one-off or regular giving by clicking HERE.

To give to support the new Novio Church in Nijmegen, The Netherlands: click HERE.

To give to support the Giles’s in Mazwi, Zimbabwe: click HERE.